Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weighing In

If you have been reading my blog for a while than you know that I set out to lose the last of my baby pounds ( you can read about it here ). Well, I can say after much HARD work, I have done that! Now I must say that 129 does not look the same as it use to, but I will take it all the same.
I accredit it all to my running group that I joined 10 weeks ago.I just can not say enough about the group and our coach. I think as adults it is easy to sink into a less than disciplined lifestyle. Sometimes you need someone to push you and expect more out of you than you do yourself. This coming Saturday I will be running in my first 10k... 10 weeks ago that seemed impossible. I am so glad that I took time to do something for myself, I didn't take the easy road... pills or surgery, I just laced up my shoes and drenched my shirt in sweat.
The group I joined you can read more about here. I highly recommend it.
Believe in yourself, believe you can reach a goal that seems impossible... you will be so glad you did!


Danielle said...

Courtney, you always looked fabulous! But, congratulations on doing something that is really tough to do. I definitely have more than 10 to go, but am trying to shed a few (maybe 5) by Thanksgiving....Thanks for sharing your success. That scale reads so nicely :) How many calories did you cut down to for a day?

Jaime said...

That is awesome! You did such a great job. It is especially hard to be disciplined to workout with two kids to take care of. You guys should proud!!

Stephanie Drew said...

so proud of you! keep it up!

Rachel said...

Congrats! That is awesome!