Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Festivites - Take 3

Sunday was Jack's school Christmas program. It was so cute, all the kids were doing hand motions at the wrong time and singing off tune.
Of course Jack was the star preformer!

In other news...

I heard screaming coming from Collins room one day, I went running only to find this...
Jack had climbed into Collins' bed to confiscate his paci (that he has be weaned off of for a year) and he was unable to get out. The paci has been the crack cocaine of this house hold... BOTH of my sons have become addicts. We need an Intervention!

Collins' tried out his first cookie ever... I felt he had come of age to reach this milestone.
At first he wasn't sure of it, but that didn't last long! Of course Jack stole some of his cookie... what are brothers for?
We now can no longer eat cookies in front of Collins' without sharing!


Rachel said...

They are too adorable!! Pacis are hard to break around here, too (sigh)...and their benefits at certain times just outweigh the pain of relinquishing their hold.

Stephanie Drew said...

they are so cute! and i'd trade the thumb for the paci any day. can't take those away....

Rachael said...

Such cute boys!