Wow, what a baby explosion that has happened around here the last couple of weeks! Its seems everyone we know is having, has had, or is about to have a baby!! I am having so much fun getting lots of baby love!!! It is so awesome to see so many wonderful families having sweet babies. I pray that God puts a shield of protection around these little ones, and that Satan never gets to them, and I pray that God gives these parents wisdom far beyond their years of experience.
As far as us and our sweet Collins - Everything is looking good. He is measuring 3lbs 1oz - right where he should be! We got a sneak peek at him and he is so darn cute!!!! He looks just like Jack did when he was newborn.... which means Brendan has another clone!!! I cannot wait to get my hands on him - and dress him=). I have broken the bank gathering every cute outfit at all the local boutiques! We go back on Monday and maybe I will get some good pictures to post ( I can't figure out how to post the ones from this week).
Big Brother Jack is doing good. We have had kinda a rough last few days with discipline problems, but we are being consistent with our displining and seem to making ground now - whew! I still wouldn't trade him for nothing!!! Just part of growing pains!